Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane photos, part 1

four 72-hour kits, ready to go by the door

Candles lined up for use later when the power goes out

assorted milks, and soda in the cooler (it got a lot more crowded in there later)

lanterns, extra candles in a box, and assorted flashlights (recognize flicker from Handy Manny?)

garden, after I cut down my herbs

basil hanging up to dry

basil, thyme, and cilantro, all brought in from the garden (the basil didn't last the night)
hurricane winds blowing plants across the street

this was blowing way more than you can tell from the photo

debris from the storm

blowing winds and rain

hurricane lamp (aptly named)

Alex's activity station during the storm

hand-cranked radio/flashlight combo (which we adore)

the wind blew off the neighbor's screen door
Tomorrow, photos from the aftermath.

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